We give you expert advice!
You are planning an ambitious research or development project and have never applied for project funding before? You do not know if there is a suitable funding programme for your project and what must be observed?

The easiest solution is to call us. We will answer your questions quickly and save you days of further search.
But first things first: please consider the following information before you pick up your phone.
The Federal Government supports the development of products, services, processes or business models. It is important to ensure that the underlying idea is innovative. In this context, the term “innovation” is defined broadly. It covers both technological and non-technological innovations, including social innovations. For a project to be eligible for funding, it must not have started yet. As a rule of thumb, the earlier you contact us before the launch of the project, the easier we can identify possibilities for funding. Last but not least, please note that the Federal Government usually provides research funding in the form of grants. Companies are required to make a contribution of their own of ideally 50%. However, there are some exceptions. For example, under EU law, very small companies may benefit from an increase in the rate of funding which reduces the required contribution of own resources. Furthermore, we need to know your funding requirements. The more details you provide, the better we can assist you.
You have already picked up your phone?
Please make sure that you can provide the following information:
- What is the topic of your research or development project?
- Who will conduct the research (your institution/company alone or in collaboration with partners)?
- To which industry or technology would you assign your idea?
- What exactly do you need support for?
- What is the level of expected project costs and how much funding will be required?
- For companies: What is the size of your company (small, medium-sized or large)?
We will advise you on the possibilities for obtaining Federal Government funding for your planned project. We will also let you know whom you can contact for further details and information on how to apply. If your project is eligible for funding by the Länder or the EU, we will give you the names of the relevant contact persons. In general, the Federal Government provides funding based on two application procedures which we briefly explain below.
One-step procedure vs. two-step procedure: what you need to consider
Whether the application procedure consists of one or two steps depends on the type of funding and is specified in the respective funding regulation. In the case of a one-step procedure, you can submit your application directly. Two-step procedures require that you first submit a short project outline. Your project will be evaluated based on this outline. It should include a brief summary of your idea, the objective, implementation and possible utilization of the results of your research, which may also be a novel product or a service. Furthermore, the outline must be informative and bear reference to the respective funding programme. If your project outline is convincing, you will be asked to submit your application in a second step. Applications can usually be completed online. Your application will then be reviewed and evaluated before taking a final decision on funding.
We hope that you now have a general idea of research funding. You will find out more when you pick up your phone and call us – we are pleased to offer personal advice tailored to your individual research project. Please use the contact information provided on this website.